Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Sorry been so busy!!

Will update soon

Monday, February 8, 2010


Todays funny of the day.


Mummy:*burp* :$

Sophie: *Giggles* “Piggy”

Mummy: *Giggles*

Sophie: “Mouth fart”

Mummy: “No its a burp”

Sophie: “No Mouth fart”

Mummy: *Walks off to laugh*

Sunday, February 7, 2010


The Royal Cuteness Sophie had a busy day today, No entry sorry.

Saturday, February 6, 2010


Today Sophia decided to do something very special!

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Yep it is indeed, Washing powder.

Sophies funny of the day.

Mum and Sian dropped us home

As we were outside saying goodbye sophie got the car keys off mum, Mum said “Bye Sophie we’re going now” Sophie giggled looked at the car keys and said “You can’t”

Friday, February 5, 2010


Sophie went for a drive with Gran, this was her departing.

Me: Bye Sophie!
Sophie: Bye Mum Mum!
*Hug and kiss*
Me: Love you, Bye Sophie.
Sophie: Bye Mum, Mum.
*She then proceeds to shut the door*
Sophie points to the room and says "Go to bed"


Sophie is jumping on the couch.
"Stop it Sophie!"
Sophie stops then turns around.
"Wanna Kiss?"

Watching tv.

Mcdonalds ad comes on tv.

Sophie:Oh Cheeseburg nomnom

MUMMMMMM Cheeseburg pleaseeeee



My name is Lianna and I am Mummy to a gorgeous little girl, Sophia who will also be referred to as Sophie &Pee'Yah, Sophia is 2 years old and loves chit chatting, Earlier today whilst I came up with this wonderful idea to keep a *blog* of the funny/cute things that my little princess says!
