Thursday, September 2, 2010


Little miss has a few more funnies lately.

Here is a few I've posted as facebook statuses;


Sophie is so mean, I was finishing my dinner and she came up and took the last triangle out of my hand... I told her it was mine and she said no its mine... Then I called her a lil piggy (joking around lol) and she goes no YOU are -_-;;


I just told Sophie to get me a drink... She ran over to get one and walked back singing "shake shake shake" :'( Wah shes ebil! shaking up my pepsi lmfao!


Number 1 twilight fan in the world? Sophie yep.. Twilight stuff on 20 to 1 and she jumped up head on the side of the couch face to face with the tv lol.. naww LOOK BELLA!!!!!!! EDWUD!!

Twical twical little star, wonder what you are! twical twical little star! - Sophie


Awww, Sophie is too cute! She has named her babies after herself... Sophie & Pee'Yah.

Nothing scarier then a Sophie yelling "I'm gonna get cha"!!

When we got on the train I told Sophie that we were going to go and get coffee when we got to the city after the hour train trip I said to Sophie "Mummys tired" Sophie replied" Its ok we go get coffee"


naww Sophie is so sweet, After seeing Sian have a asthma attack the other night, Yesterday When Sian coughed Sophie would say You right sian? You right? You want a drink? You want some chocolate? and today shes asking you right sian you got sore belly?


Omg LMFAO.. Just told Sophie off for getting the bread and butter plates out of the cupboard.. she ran out and came back in and yelled.. IM BEAUTIFUL at us before going back to the cupboard.. lil bugger.


Me: Sophie you are SO cute! Sophie: Not cute im beautiful! haha how adorable!


lol at sophie yesterday... We took her to see cows and after the *YAYY COWSSSSSSS* she told us that she wanted to eat them hahah.


Just busted Sophie pooping on the floor -_- GRRRRR..... Put her on the potty and she told me to go away and sit on the couch... Bahahha shes plopping in the potty and everytime she plops she says POO!!!!!!! and claps lmfao.


BahahahWe just got home Soph stopped in the door took her pants off and saiddd ahh. Then went to the cupboard and asked for a "temen" (i only just figured out what she meant... one of her vitamin tablets lol) she just finished and asked for another one and I said no Sophie only allowed one and you already had one and ...she opened her mouth and said I eated it, it gone in my tummy.


LOL Sophie She has insisted on getting the dog lead on... then she got down on her knees and hands and started barking lmfao... she made mum take her for a walk on the lead bahahahahahahhahaha ohhhhh myyyyyyy ... WOOOF WOOOF!


Sophie stop growing :(...... Sophie replied.... I'm gonna grow! lol =(


poor sophie has cold hands she just told me her hands are like icypoles i asked icypoles and she said like 2 icypoles aww poor girl


So, I told sophie to finish playing and that it was bed time soon, I just busted Sophie opening her new daycare sippy cup and opening her toddler formula that she takes to daycare and tipping it in... after that was done... she proceeded to go lay down on her blanky on the floor. we also JUST said goodbye to her 1 bot...tle she had left here.. she is growing up sooo fast!!


Oh Miss Sophie is a drama queen..

I gave Sophie her Lolly (vitamin tab for the day) and shes all OH MUMMY ITS GONE MUMMY it gone, (where did it go Sophie??) It gone in my tummy :( LoL.


sophie : hey bongebob wheres gary? Gary gary gary gary gary gary... His at a gay bar o.O .............


Sophie hasn't had her dummy ALL day.. =O, I told her to go find it otherwise she cant have it for bed and she's walking around going "Dummy where are you" "Mummy I can't find it Help me find Dummy" nawwwwwww if its not found its gonna be GONE blargh.


Has a very smart little princess, This morning Mum said she was going to ballarat.. Sophie turned to me and goes MUM get up we go to Barrawat. Sophie told mum and sian that she was wearing her "Seksy" pants today & Sophie can fold up teatowels PERFECTLY!


Bahahaha. Sophie just woke up and P.S I love you is on tv... When the chic meets the guy in ireland "the singer at the pub" she just walked up to the screen and goes Hello SEXY!


Haha the parrot is at it again.. Me: Your annnnnoying me sophie... Sophie: Your MUMMYING ME Mum. hahahhaahahahahaha she tried to say it but it came out as Mummying.


Me:Say Sophia Soph:NO SOPHIE! Me: Say Sophia! Soph:SOPHIE!!!!!!!! looks like shes chosen lol.

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